Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Time to stand up and be counted . . . .

Henry Gilbey needs no introduction . . . possibly even to non-anglers (because of his TV series). He has long been a staunch supporter of our aims and, recently, through his Blog, has been encouraging anglers to overcome their apathy . . . . “I was contacted the other day by a member of BASS […]

Why the Hell can’t we have action on Bass?

Says Martin Salter in his recent Angling Trust ‘blog’ . . . . “I love catching bass on lures. They are a great surface predator that hits hard and they are the nearest thing we’ve got in the UK to some of the warm water sportsfish that I have been lucky enough to tangle with in […]

Thoughts and plans …

A Blog post on Henry Gilbey’s popular site recently stirred some thoughts that have been lingering for a while. The particular phrase that got the juices flowing was this …. I also am becoming more and more convinced that visiting anglers who come to Ireland on the hunt for bass especially need to start thinking […]

Irish Bass stocks update

Your letters and emails needed now. Don’t let quality bass disappear, photo courtesy Tony Hooper, a regular visitor to Ireland Join Henry Gilbey, Matt Hayes, Paul Young, and others in the campaign to protect Irish bass Following on from our report of 9th February 2010 (see below) there has now been a re-shuffle of the […]

Henry Gilbey shows his support for BASS

Henry Gilbey, fanatical sea angler, angling photographer, journalist and broadcaster, who is well known for his television fishing shows and his work in the angling media, has this week given a ringing endorsement to BASS and the conservation and political campaigning work we do. Henry has his own website and in his latest blog he […]