Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Eating an Elephant Faster – A Bass Campaigning Update.

A year ago I interviewed Nigel Horsman and David Curtis at the BASS AGM and asked what we needed to do help get better protection for our bass. Nigel likened our huge task to eating an elephant but reminded us it was achievable if we approached it one bite at a time. A year on […]

Motion on unfair bass restictions for anglers is backed by MPs

The debate on the effect of EU measures on our bass angling took place in Parliament yesterday (11th Feb). The motion was passed without opposition. Although such back bench debates in themselves cannot bring direct change, the fact such a debate occurs reflects the ever growing demand for effective and fair means to restore our […]

Eating an Elephant to Save Our Bass

The BASS blog team speak to the two men running our ongoing campaign to reduce bass landings by 80% The key points of the interview: It has taken many years to get where we are now, but the recent introduction of limited measures is at least encouraging. We have a long way further to go […]

Campaign Progress Report: BASS meetings with DEFRA and the EU

Meetings and discussions both at an EU and UK level continue to take place to agree better ways to protect our bass. Yesterday at a meeting in Brussels with DG Mare (the Commission department responsible for the implementation of the Common Fisheries policy) BASS were represented by David Curtis and Malcolm Gilbert. The early feedback […]

The View of BASS: Keep Pushing for Our Bass and Our Sport

On Monday 26th January the EU made its ground breaking announcement, imposing emergency measures on pair trawling for bass. There have since been further indications at EU and UK levels to support previous statements that this (temporary) measure is just the first move. Further (as yet unclear) measures it seems will follow to reduce the […]