Together we did it!
BASS was founded in 1973 in response to concerns about stocks to campaign for our bass. Over the years a relatively small number of driven individuals have made huge personal efforts to try and achieve better protection for these fish while the rest of us have backed them up by many means including through […]
A Great Day For Our Bass!
You may well have already heard the fantastic news about the implementation of Emergency measures banning midwater trawling for spawning aggregation of bass in the areas they shoal up in prior to breeding (see here: ) This is the response of Nigel Horsman, the man who has led the the BASS campaign: “This is […]
EU failure to act to protect our bass – a personal view from Nigel Horsman
In case you haven’t yet heard, the European Fisheries Council failed to agree any restrictions to protect our bass stock at this weeks meeting. When I read of this yesterday I felt a various powerful emotions – the strongest of which was undoubtedly anger! I imagine many of you reading this feel the same way. […]
Its easy to campaign for reduced bass landings.
At the weekend I found myself next to the water, without fishing tackle but in possession of my audio recorder. I might not have been able to fish for bass but at least I could pass on what I learnt at the recent BASS meeting – one intended to help give anglers like us […]
Time to stand up and be counted . . . .
Henry Gilbey needs no introduction . . . possibly even to non-anglers (because of his TV series). He has long been a staunch supporter of our aims and, recently, through his Blog, has been encouraging anglers to overcome their apathy . . . . “I was contacted the other day by a member of BASS […]