The Hodges Brothers Part 2: AA Man to the Rescue
Kim and Clive Hodges explain how their fishing developed over 40 plus years of trial and error but it was Clive’s chance encounter with an AA man which got them back on the road to their impressive double-figure bass tally. Part 2 includes: • Why live baiting? • The importance of John Darling’s writings […]
BASS AGM and The White Stuff 11
This Sunday (16th March) is the BASS annual general meeting at Oxtalls Indoor Tennis Centre, Plock Court, Gloucester. This days is far more than the undertaking of the formal procedure necessary to ensure an organisation runs democratically and effectively. It’s a place where members catch up, make plans, buy cut price tackle from Veals, attempt […]
So there we have it ….
Battered into submission ! With a seemingly endless queue of storms moving in from the Atlantic, it seems that for most areas in the UK the season is now probably over. It’s a shame, as for some areas, this can be a pinnacle of the season, but the conditions just aren’t allowing the opportunity for […]
2013 Annual General Meeting . . .
The phrase ‘Annual General Meeting’ is one that I suspect generates a mental image of an extremely boring and stuffy meeting, and probably many are, but BASS has long recognised that to get members to come to our AGM we have to make it something that they will enjoy, and therefore want to return year […]