Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

The campaign for our bass: much achieved but far more needed

In the past 12 months we have achieved more meaningful protection measures for our bass than in all the previous 15 years combined. It’s a great start, yet the measures introduced to date are nowhere near enough to halt the decline in the bass stocks. Saveourseabass (See the SOS page here: ) have now produced a […]

EU announces an increase to a 42cm minimum size for bass!

“(02/07/2015) The EU has today taken another step to protect sea bass stocks in Europe. The 28 EU member states agreed to the Commission’s proposal to increase the minimum size for northern sea bass from 36 to 42 cm.” …. “Today’s decision is the latest step in a package of measures the Commission has proposed […]

Latest ICES advice: 85% reduction in bass landings is now needed in 2016!

The long awaited advice for bass was issued today by ICES (the EU’s own scientist advising on fish stocks). They included recommendations for our area of the central and south North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel, the Bristol Channel and the Celtic Sea. The ICES figures are the key data that informs us […]

New EU rule restricting commercial fishing for bass

  From 24 June 2015, two new EU rules restrict commercial fishing for bass: 1) monthly vessel catch limits (“VCL”); and 2) a ban on EU vessels fishing for bass in the waters around Ireland. The VCL are different for each métier, ranging from 1.0 tonnes a month to 3.0 tonnes a month  (see here). […]

Update: New bass landing restrictions, plus campaigning for our bass makes a difference.

Further regulations to limit total amount of bass per month that each commercial vessel can land were recently announced by the EU (see here). It also seems, that with your help, the commercial fishing sector have failed to get the proposed increase to a 42cm minimum conservation reference size (MCRS) watered down to 40cm ( […]