Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

A Met. Office Blunder – And What Followed

A Met. Office Blunder – And What Followed by Donovan Kelley It looked like another lost week-end. After a week of calm, Saturday brought a stiff south-west wind, and surf to match: the beaches were unfishable. It was bad luck for the two Menai Bridge students. They had joined me for the evening at our base […]

An Anglesey Memory

An Anglesey Memory by Donovan Kelley It is late November on a calm, dark, quiet night. No weed, no bioluminescence. At last perfect conditions for our small beach-seine. It has been a dreadful year: many planned visits stormed off, only 66 bass in 11 visits made. Now, for the first time we have a chance to […]

The Influence Of Year-Class Strengths

The Influence Of Year-Class Strengths by Donovan Kelley I am sometimes asked, “why is there such a conspicuous gap in the range of sizes I am catching?” The enquirer has been getting plenty of young adults in the 1½ to 3 lb range, and odd good fish of 6, 7 or even 8 lbs. But nothing […]

Other Seas, Other Bass

Other Seas, Other Bass by Donovan Kelley It was my first visit to Buleji, a tiny fishing village out from Karachi, on the edge of the desert. With tent, camp bed and 2 weeks’ rations I had come to explore the fishing. After a year in the furnace heat of Upper Sind a welcome leave had […]

Winters Of Discontent

Winters Of Discontent by Donovan Kelley Probably the worst thing that can happen to a young bass is a long cold spell in its first winter. Most recent winters have been mild, but cold spells can still occur. We had one in the 1995/96 winter and another in 1996/97, in each case of about 3 weeks […]