Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

Its easy to campaign for reduced bass landings.

  At the weekend I found myself next to the water, without fishing tackle but in possession of my audio recorder. I might not have been able to fish for bass but at least I could pass on what I learnt at the recent BASS meeting – one intended to help give anglers like us […]

Petition for action to reducing bass landings

  A succession of poor spawning years and increased fishing pressure has led to a steep decline in the bass spawning stock. The seriousness of the situation has at last been recognised by EU Fisheries after their scientific advisory board this year stated there needs to be an 80% reduction in bass landing. Plans are  […]

EAA – Conservation of sea-bass – debate in European Parliament

Only three MEPs contributed to the bass debate, on the 13th March, two French MEPs and one from the Netherlands. (Other MEPs at this session only took part in the mackerel debate). Read more here: Debate in the European Parliament Quotes: It is French Government and commercial fishers position that a bass TAC (Total Allowable […]

Vote on European Subsidies

Fishing the Old-Fashioned Way: A vote by the European Parliament this week could determine whether subsidies continue to support big-fleet fishing or help steer the industry toward a more sustainable future. . . . the Union’s executive arm, the European Commission, has acknowledged that the subsidies, worth hundreds of millions of euros each year, support […]

Fish Fight – Fish Subsidy Vote looming . . .

Having agreed major reforms to the EU Common Fisheries Policy, MEPs vote next week on the budget to support it – the European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF), which provides for about €6 billion for the period up to 2020. Writes Chris Davies the Liberal Democrat Environment spokesman in his latest Fish Fight email. The […]