Beware of Rock Falls!
If you frequent various bass fishing related forums, it’s not unusual to read posts about anglers who have injured themselves whilst moving around on rocky shores. Given I also have a professional interest in this area; I tend to keep tabs on such mishaps. The list of these injuries I’ve noted over the years consists […]
Too many lows: not enough highs
The weather of late has been as frustrating as I can remember. From July onwards I waited for the bass to show on my favourite south coast marks. My wait was long and it wasn’t until early October that my plans came good when two trips brought me 11 bass including a seven pounder, two […]
A Chough’s Eye View of Ireland
As I checked out a few of the bass and fishing related blogs the other day I spotted a link on the excellent Labrax Squad blog. This led me to a free set of electronic charts which has already led me to new discoveries. In the week since it came to my attention I […]
Safety and risk – do or die?
‘Risk’ means different things to different people. So when we say something is ‘very risky’ it isn’t very helpful; not really very helpful at all. One bass angler’s ‘risky’ is another bass angler’s ‘safe enough’. But we all think about risk all the time, even though we may not do it consciously. When we are […]