Fighting for Bass and Bass Anglers’ since 1973

My Bass Angling Journey

My Bass Angling Journey Aged seven, I was sat behind my dad on my uncle’s boat with a handline catching baby pollack whilst they fished for bass. At the age of eight I was elevated to bass fishing with a rod and line of my own, so I sat keenly watching my float with a […]


Memories Every now and again something occurs while fishing that remains in our memory bank forever. That maybe your first bass, a personal best, a certain take in unsuspecting circumstances or just an epic session. The back end of last week saw me planning weekend fishing sessions as usual, tide size, time, weather and finally […]

Remembering Peter Macconnell

Remembering Peter Macconnell Peter died unexpectedly on Wednesday 16th June 2021.  He would have been 75 in July. Peter joined BASS in 1990, and after Initially maintaining a low profile, offered to become Treasurer from the 1998 AGM.  Even in the ‘boring’ role of Treasurer, Peter often found a reason to inject his own brand […]

The Life Cycle Of Bass

The Life Cycle Of Bass For anglers interested in the biology of bass, the Bass Anglers Sportfishing Society (BASS) has produced this brief note on the life cycle of bass in UK waters, drawn from information* available at the time of writing (February 2021). This note also appears in BASS Magazine 170. Early years Bass […]

A Rough Guide To Shimano Reels

A Rough Guide To Shimano Reels One thing that can be quite hard/confusing for newcomers and experienced anglers alike is the myriad of letters and numbers in the name of fishing reels. This short blog attempts to explain what those letters and numbers mean. Shimano reels use the following format for their reels: FAMILY : […]